One Mississippi is a semi-autobiographical American comedy television series created by comedian Tig Notaro and Diablo Cody. The pilot episode, directed by Nicole Holofcener, aired on Amazon Prime on November 5, 2015, and was picked up for a full series after positive feedback from audiences. One Mississippi premiered on September 9, 2016. On November 14, 2016, Amazon renewed the show for a second season, which was released on Amazon on September 8, 2017. On January 18, 2018, the series was canceled after two seasons which Amazon explained as "part of a move towards bigger, wider-audience series".
Video One Mississippi (TV series)
Los Angeles radio host Tig Bavaro returns to Bay St. Lucille, Mississippi, after receiving news that her mother, Caroline, will be taken off life support following an unexpected fall. Recovering from both a double mastectomy and a C. difficile infection, Tig moves in temporarily alongside her brother Remy and her stepfather, Bill. While caring for family affairs after Caroline's death, Tig learns about her mother's past as it was lived, rather than as Tig first remembered it, and in doing so rediscovers life in Bay St. Lucille.
Maps One Mississippi (TV series)
- Tig Notaro as Tig Bavaro
- Noah Harpster as Remy
- John Rothman as Bill
- Rya Kihlstedt as Caroline
- Casey Wilson as Brooke
- Stephanie Allynne as Kate
- Sheryl Lee Ralph as Felicia Hollingsworth
- Carly Jibson as Desiree
- Beth Grant as Mellie Saint-Clair
- Carol Mansell as Beulah Lancaster
- Timm Sharp as Jack Hoffman
Season 1 (2015-16)
Season 2 (2017)
One Mississippi received positive reviews from critics. Rotten Tomatoes gives the series a 93% 'Certified Fresh' rating based on reviews from 40 critics, with the site's critical consensus stating: "One Mississippi proves an honest vehicle for its moving dramatic narrative, observational comedy, and the genuine acting skills of its lead, Tig Notaro." Metacritic gives the series a 77 out of 100 score based on reviews from 20 critics, indicating 'generally favorable' reviews.
External links
- One Mississippi on IMDb
Source of article : Wikipedia